Call for participation closed.
The HiPSTAS project invites applications for its 2013 NEH-funded Institute for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities. We encourage a diverse range of librarians, archivists, scholars (including graduate students), and cultural heritage professionals from all types of institutions, disciplinary backgrounds, and expertise, who are interested in working with sound collections and technologies to apply. Members of the American Indian community, in particular, are strongly urged to apply.
Important information for applying:
- Deadline: Extended to February 1
This is an online application form. After submission, you will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours of receipt. - Meetings:
The first HiPSTAS meeting will take place in Austin, TX from May 29 – June 1, 2013. The second meeting will be in May 2014, location to be determined. - Participating HiPSTAS collections:
The collections are described on the Resources page under “Collections,” but participants are welcome to identify a collection outside of the participating collections with which they will work over the course of the HiPSTAS Institute, such as one from their home institution. [Note: Outside collections must be made available for analysis by HiPSTAS software. Please send questions to hipstasinfo[at] for details]. - Advanced means of access and analysis:
Modes of advanced analysis and access that are available as part of this project are described on the HiPSTAS Resources page under “Software,” on the About page, and on the Meetings page. - We will accept two primary types of proposals to encourage both scholars and stewards of sound collections to apply to the HiPSTAS Institute.
Type one proposals: Access
Participants who wish to focus primarily on increasing access to sound collections must include a 1000-word description of the ways in which access to their collection of interest would be enhanced by infrastructure that supports advanced means of access to sound collections.
Type two proposals: Analysis
Participants who wish to focus primarily on analyzing sound collections must include a 1000-word proposal that includes a clear description of a possible research question and how this research question pertains to a particular audio collection. Strong proposals will identify a potential audience for this research (such as, but not limited to, folklore studies, literary studies, history, sound studies, or tribal culture studies) and will consider possible connections or comparisons across audio files in one or more collections. - Commitment expectations:
Applicants will also be asked to agree to four specific and central HiPSTAS commitments:- Participate in 10 hours of pre-meeting training with the HiPSTAS tools. This training will be virtual and will not require travel.
- Attend the first four-day meeting, held at the iSchool at UT-Austin in May 29-June 1, 2013.
- In the interim year, meet virtually with the Institute Co-PI’s and report periodically on the HiPSTAS blog about use case and ongoing research within the project.
- Attend the second meeting, a two-day symposium in May 2014 at UT-Austin (the site may change depending on participant needs).
- Support for participants:
Travel to and from Austin for both Institute meetings will be funded by HiPSTAS up to $500 for each meeting. Lodging for 4 nights at the first meeting and for 2 nights at the second meeting will be arranged and paid for by HiPSTAS. Breakfast and lunch will be provided each day.
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