Author: tclement

The Noise is the Content

HiPSTAS Participant Chris Mustazza has written a great piece at Jacket2 titled The noise is the content: Toward computationally determining the provenance of poetry recordings using ARLO.

HiPSTAS wins a second grant from NEH for HRDR

Even digitized, unprocessed sound collections, which hold important cultural artifacts such as poetry readings, story telling, speeches, oral histories, and other performances of the spoken word remain largely inaccessible. In order to increase access to recordings of significance to the humanities, Tanya Clement at the University of Texas School of Information in collaboration with David ….  Read More

Welcome to HiPSTAS

Welcome to HiPSTAS (High Performance Sound Technologies for Access and Scholarship). We are very excited to have received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities to host this Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities. As part of the HiPSTAS Institute, we will host two meetings: one in May 2013 and the second ….  Read More